Mastering Matrix Decomposition: A Comprehensive Collection of Exercises with Solutions

Renda Zhang
11 min readJan 17, 2024


Section 1: Matrix Basics and the Concept of Matrix Factorization


1. Which of the following is not a basic property of a matrix?

A. Number of rows and columns

B. Main diagonal

C. Determinant value

D. Echelon form

2. In which type of matrix are all elements non-negative?

A. Positive definite matrix

B. Non-negative matrix

C. Symmetric matrix

D. Orthogonal matrix

3. What is a matrix called when it has an equal number of rows and columns?

A. Square matrix

B. Identity matrix

C. Zero matrix

D. Diagonal matrix

4. Explain the significance and purpose of matrix factorization.

5. Given matrices A and B, calculate their product AB if possible:

A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]], B = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]

6. Calculate the inverse of matrix C if it exists:

C = [[2, 0], [0, 2]]


1. C. Determinant value

2. B. Non-negative matrix

3. A. Square matrix


Matrix factorization simplifies complex matrices into products of simpler matrices, aiming to ease mathematical and computational operations, and unveil the underlying structure of data, useful in areas like data dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. Through factorization, we can obtain an approximate representation of the original matrix, facilitating the extraction and understanding of key features of the original data.


AB = [[1×5 + 2×7, 1×6 + 2×8], [3×5 + 4×7, 3×6 + 4×8]] = [[19, 22], [43, 50]]


C^(-1) = [[1/2, 0], [0, 1/2]] = [[0.5, 0], [0, 0.5]]

Section 2: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)


1. What are the three components into which a matrix is decomposed in SVD?

A. Three square matrices

B. Two orthogonal matrices and one diagonal matrix

C. Two diagonal matrices and one orthogonal matrix

D. Three symmetric matrices

2. In Singular Value Decomposition, what do the elements of the diagonal matrix represent?

A. The determinant values of the matrix

B. The eigenvalues of the matrix

C. The singular values of the matrix

D. The number of rows and columns of the matrix

3. Which fields most commonly use SVD?

A. Statistics and probability theory

B. Linear algebra and geometry

C. Machine learning and data science

D. Physics and chemistry

4. Describe the basic principle of using SVD for data compression.

5. Perform SVD on the given matrix D:

D = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


1. B. Two orthogonal matrices and one diagonal matrix

2. C. The singular values of the matrix

3. C. Machine learning and data science


SVD in data compression involves simplifying data by extracting its main components (the parts with the largest singular values). In SVD, the original matrix is decomposed into three matrices: two orthogonal matrices and a diagonal matrix. The diagonal matrix contains singular values, representing the significance of the data. By retaining only the largest singular values and discarding the smaller ones, data compression is achieved while maintaining most of the original information.


Performing SVD on matrix D involves numerical computation, usually done with mathematical software. The process yields three matrices: U (a matrix of left singular vectors), Σ (a diagonal matrix of singular values), and V^T (a matrix of right singular vectors). The specific computation requires numerical analysis techniques, such as Truncated SVD, for an approximate yet computationally simplified result.

Section 3: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


1. What is the primary purpose of PCA?

A. Matrix factorization

B. Data classification

C. Data dimensionality reduction

D. Data encryption

2. What does the first principal component represent in PCA?

A. The direction of maximum variance in the data

B. The direction of minimum variance in the data

C. The mean value of the data

D. The standard deviation of the data

3. Why is data standardization often necessary before performing PCA?

A. To improve computational efficiency

B. To prevent overfitting

C. To ensure variance among different variables affects the result equally

D. To increase the randomness of data

4. Describe an application of PCA in data dimensionality reduction, with an example.

5. Perform a PCA analysis on the data set E:

E = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


1. C. Data dimensionality reduction

2. A. The direction of maximum variance in the data

3. C. To ensure variance among different variables affects the result equally


PCA is used in data dimensionality reduction by reducing the number of variables in a data set while retaining the most significant information. This is achieved by identifying and retaining components with the greatest variance, as they contain the majority of the data’s variation. For example, in a set of multidimensional image data, PCA can help identify which features best represent the entire data set, effectively compressing and simplifying the image features without losing significant visual information.


To perform PCA analysis on matrix E, one needs to calculate its covariance matrix and then find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this covariance matrix. These eigenvectors are the principal components, and the magnitude of the eigenvalues indicates the importance of each principal component. In this example, we calculate the covariance matrix of E, then find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. This typically requires mathematical software due to the complexity of the calculations. Once completed, we can choose to retain the principal components corresponding to the largest eigenvalues for data dimensionality reduction.

Section 4: Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)


1. Which feature is essential in the matrices resulting from NMF?

A. All elements are integers

B. All elements are non-negative

C. All elements are positive

D. All elements are negative

2. What do the two matrices obtained from NMF typically represent?

A. The rows and columns of the original matrix

B. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original matrix

C. The feature base and coefficient matrix of the data

D. The symmetric and asymmetric parts of the data

3. In what types of data processing is NMF commonly used?

A. Text mining and image processing

B. Signal processing and audio processing

C. Time-series analysis and predictive modeling

D. Machine learning and artificial intelligence

4. Provide an example of NMF application in image processing or text mining.

5. Perform NMF decomposition on the given matrix F:

F = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


1. B. All elements are non-negative

2. C. The feature base and coefficient matrix of the data

3. A. Text mining and image processing


In image processing, NMF can be used to identify and separate different features in an image. For instance, in facial recognition tasks, NMF can decompose facial images to identify basic features like eyes, nose, and mouth. Each feature is represented by a matrix, and the combination of these matrices can reconstruct the original image. In text mining, NMF is applied in topic discovery, where it decomposes a collection of documents into topics (feature bases) and the representation of these topics in each document (coefficient matrix), revealing the latent topic structure in the document collection.


To perform NMF decomposition on matrix F involves an iterative process, usually executed using mathematical software. The goal is to find two non-negative matrices W and H such that F ≈ WH. This is typically done by initializing W and H as random non-negative matrices, then iteratively updating them to minimize the difference between F and WH. After each iteration, W and H converge closer to representing the non-negative factors of the original matrix F.

Section 5: Autoencoders


1. What are the main components of an autoencoder?

2. How does an autoencoder work?

3. Outline the steps to build a simple autoencoder model.

4. Discuss the applications of autoencoders in data representation.



An autoencoder typically consists of three key components: an encoder, a decoder, and a loss function. The encoder compresses the input data into a lower-dimensional representation in a hidden layer. The decoder then reconstructs the input data from this compressed representation. The loss function measures the difference between the original input and the reconstructed output, guiding the learning process of the model.


An autoencoder operates on the principle of unsupervised learning. It transforms the input data into a more compact representation through the encoder (often a lower-dimensional hidden layer) and then attempts to reconstruct the original data from this compact representation via the decoder. The model is trained by minimizing the reconstruction error, learning an effective and meaningful representation of the data.


Building a simple autoencoder model typically involves the following steps:

  • Define the encoder part, which can be a simple fully connected neural network aiming to map the input data to a hidden layer.
  • Define the decoder part, which often mirrors the architecture of the encoder but serves to map the encoded data back to the original data space.
  • Set a loss function, like Mean Squared Error (MSE), to measure the difference between the reconstructed data and the original data.
  • Train the model using a dataset, optimizing the loss function to learn an effective representation of the data.


Autoencoders have several applications in data representation, including:

  • Feature learning and dimensionality reduction: Autoencoders can learn a compressed representation of data, useful for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction.
  • Data denoising: Autoencoders can learn to remove noise from data, reconstructing clean data representations from noisy inputs.
  • Generative models: Through training, autoencoders can learn the distribution of data, which can be used to generate new data instances.
  • Anomaly detection: Once trained on a specific dataset, autoencoders can be used to identify new data that significantly differs from the training data, i.e., anomalies.

Section 6: Low-Rank Matrix Factorization


1. What is a defining characteristic of a low-rank matrix?

A. All elements are zero

B. Linear dependence among rows or columns

C. The number of rows is much greater than the number of columns

D. Each row is unique

2. What is the importance of low-rank matrices in data processing?

A. Enhancing computational efficiency

B. Increasing data complexity

C. Reducing data storage requirements

D. Decreasing data quality

3. How is low-rank matrix factorization applied in data compression?

4. Perform a low-rank factorization of the given matrix G:

G = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]


1. B. Linear dependence among rows or columns

2. A. Enhancing computational efficiency and C. Reducing data storage requirements


Low-rank matrix factorization in data compression is based on the concept that many real-world datasets can be effectively described using a small number of basic elements. For instance, an image (viewed as a matrix) can often be approximated using low-rank matrix factorization, thereby reducing the amount of data needed for storage and processing. This process involves finding a low-rank approximation of the original matrix that retains the main information of the original data but in a reduced data volume.


To perform a low-rank factorization of matrix G typically involves finding two matrices, H and I, such that G ≈ HI. This process is similar to other types of matrix factorization, like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), but the goal is to find a lower-rank approximation rather than an exact decomposition. This usually requires optimization algorithms, like using SVD and retaining only the first few largest singular values and their corresponding singular vectors. For example, for matrix G, one could compute its SVD and retain only the top two largest singular values and their vectors to achieve a low-rank approximation.

Section 7: Matrix Reconstruction and Loss Function


1. What are the steps involved in matrix reconstruction?

2. What role does the loss function play in matrix reconstruction?

3. How do you choose an appropriate loss function for matrix reconstruction?

4. Analyze the impact of different loss functions on the results of matrix reconstruction.



Matrix reconstruction typically involves the following steps: First, the original matrix is decomposed into smaller matrices using methods like SVD, PCA, or NMF. Next, these smaller matrices are combined through matrix multiplication to approximate or reconstruct the original matrix. Finally, the quality of the reconstruction is assessed by comparing the original matrix with the reconstructed one.


The loss function in matrix reconstruction measures the difference between the reconstructed matrix and the original matrix. It is a mathematical formula used to calculate the error between these two matrices. This error reflects how much information is lost or distorted in the reconstructed matrix. Common loss functions include Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The choice of a loss function is crucial for optimizing the model and assessing the quality of reconstruction.


Choosing the right loss function for matrix reconstruction depends on the characteristics of the data and the goals of the reconstruction. For example, if every element error in the reconstruction is equally important, Mean Squared Error (MSE) might be suitable. If the model needs to be less sensitive to outliers in the data, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) might be preferable. In some cases, more complex loss functions, like the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) for image reconstruction, might be better for assessing visual quality.


Different loss functions have varying impacts on matrix reconstruction. For instance, MSE heavily penalizes larger errors due to the squaring of error terms, leading to a reconstruction process that tends to avoid large errors. On the other hand, MAE applies an equal penalty to all error sizes, making the model less sensitive to outliers. The choice of loss function in practical applications depends on specific requirements and the nature of the original data. For example, in image reconstruction, small pixel errors might be less noticeable, making MSE a better choice, whereas in financial data analysis, even small errors can be significant, making MAE more suitable.

Section 8: Factorization


1. Which of the following is not a commonly used factorization method?

A. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

B. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

C. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

D. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

2. What is the typical purpose of factorization in data analysis?

3. Perform a specific type of factorization on the given matrix H:

H = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


1. D. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)


Factorization in data analysis is typically used to uncover latent patterns and structures within datasets, especially in handling high-dimensional data. By factorizing complex datasets into simpler matrix forms, it aids in feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and data compression. For example, in recommendation systems, factorization can help identify underlying relationships between users and products; in text analysis, it can uncover hidden topics in documents or vocabulary.


To perform factorization on matrix H, we can choose a method like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) or Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). For instance, using SVD would involve finding three matrices U, Σ, and V^T, such that H ≈ UΣV^T. This process usually requires computational tools due to its mathematical complexity. In the decomposition, U and V^T contain the characteristic vectors of the rows and columns of H, respectively, and Σ contains the singular values, indicating the significance of the data. Through factorization, a low-rank approximation of H can be obtained, useful for further data analysis.

Section 9: Regularization in Matrix Factorization


1. What is regularization, and what is its role in matrix factorization?

2. How does regularization help prevent overfitting in matrix factorization models?

3. Provide an example of applying regularization in matrix factorization.



Regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models, including matrix factorization. It involves adding an additional term to the model’s loss function. In matrix factorization, regularization helps to prevent the model from fitting too closely to the noise and details of the training data, thereby improving the model’s generalization ability on new data. Regularization is typically achieved by adding a penalty on the elements of the factorized matrices, such as L1 regularization (encouraging sparsity) or L2 regularization (reducing the impact of large parameter values).


In matrix factorization models, overfitting occurs when the model learns the specific features of the training data too closely, leading to poor performance on new data. Regularization addresses this by imposing constraints on the model’s parameters (such as limiting their size). For example, in L2 regularization, by penalizing large parameter values, the model is encouraged to learn smoother, more generalizable data representations, enhancing its predictive performance on unseen data.


An example of applying regularization in matrix factorization could be seen in Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) used for decomposing a matrix W. Without regularization, one might directly minimize the reconstruction error between W and the product of the factorized matrices. With regularization, an additional term, such as an L2 regularization term, is added to the loss function. This means that the loss function becomes a combination of the reconstruction error and the sum of the squares of the elements in the factorized matrices (the penalty term). During optimization, the model not only aims to minimize the reconstruction error but also to avoid large elements in the factorized matrices, thus preventing overfitting.



Renda Zhang
Renda Zhang

Written by Renda Zhang

A Software Developer with a passion for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.

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