Graph Neural Network Series 2 — Convolution on Graphs: Delving into Graph Convolutional Networks

Renda Zhang
9 min readMar 11, 2024


In our Graph Neural Network (GNN) series, our aim is to offer a comprehensive introduction to the foundational concepts, operational principles, various variants, application scenarios, and future research directions of GNNs. In the first article of the series, titled “Graph Neural Network Series 1 — Connecting Graphs and Intelligence: An Introduction to GNNs,” we explored the basic concepts and operational mechanics of graph neural networks. We explained the foundational knowledge of graph data structures and highlighted the distinctions between GNNs and traditional neural networks. We also briefly touched upon the basic application domains and significance of GNNs, showcasing their pivotal role in solving real-world problems.

Continuing from the foundational introduction to GNN concepts in our previous article, this piece, shifts focus to the concept and significance of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). As a prominent member of the GNN family, GCNs execute convolution operations on graph-structured data, capturing complex relationships between nodes and the deep structural features of graphs. This capability enables GCNs to excel in numerous tasks such as node classification and graph categorization.

We will delve into the working mechanism of GCNs, including how they leverage neighbor aggregation mechanisms to learn high-level representations of nodes and how GCNs can be utilized across different application scenarios to extract valuable insights. Through a thorough analysis of GCNs, readers will gain an in-depth understanding of how graph convolutional networks play a crucial role in addressing graph data problems, laying the groundwork for understanding more complex GNN variants and advanced applications.

The Basic Principles of Graph Convolution

Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) represent a specifically designed neural network architecture for processing graph data, capable of capturing the complex relationships between nodes and the structural features of graphs through convolution operations on graphs. Understanding how graph convolution works is a key step in mastering GCNs.

Definition of Graph Convolution

Graph convolution is a special convolution operation performed on graph data, different from traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Unlike CNNs, which operate on regular data structures like images through filter sliding, graph convolution directly works on nodes within a graph, taking into account the structural properties of the graph. It updates each node’s representation by aggregating feature information from neighboring nodes, mimicking the local feature extraction process of CNNs but adapted to the irregular structure of graphs.

Mathematical Model of Graph Convolution

The mathematical representation of graph convolution can be defined through various models, but all revolve around the idea of neighborhood feature aggregation. A typical GCN model can be simplified as follows:

H^(l+1) = σ(D^(-1/2) × A_hat × D^(-1/2) × H^(l) × W^(l))


  • H^(l) represents the node feature matrix at layer l.
  • A_hat = A + I_N is the adjacency matrix A of the graph plus the identity matrix I_N (ensuring inclusion of node's own features).
  • D is the diagonal degree matrix of A_hat.
  • W^(l) is the weight matrix at layer l.
  • σ represents the activation function, such as ReLU.

The key operation is the aggregation of neighbor features through the normalized adjacency matrix D^(-1/2) × A_hat × D^(-1/2), followed by the transformation of these aggregated features with W^(l). This process considers both the adjacency relations (structural information of the graph) and the feature information of the nodes, allowing the model to learn a comprehensive representation of the nodes.

Through this neighborhood-based information aggregation mechanism, GCNs can effectively extract features from graph-structured data for various downstream tasks such as node classification, graph classification, and link prediction. The ability to integrate the structural and feature properties of graphs is a key reason for the outstanding performance of GCNs in handling graph data issues.

Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) Architecture

Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) employ a specific architecture design capable of effectively processing and analyzing graph data. This architecture comprises several key components working together to learn high-level representations of nodes within the graph. Here are the main components of GCN and their functions:

Key Components of GCN

  • Graph Convolution Layer: The graph convolution layer is the core of GCN, responsible for performing the graph convolution operation. This operation updates each node’s feature representation by aggregating features from its neighbors, analogous to the convolution layers in traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) but adapted for graph’s irregular data structure.
  • Activation Function: Activation functions introduce non-linearity, enabling GCN to learn and model complex function mappings. Commonly used activation functions include ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), which helps accelerate training speed while preventing gradient vanishing issues.
  • Multi-Layer Architecture: By stacking multiple graph convolution layers, GCN can learn deep feature representations of nodes. Each layer abstracts and refines features on top of the previous one, allowing the model to capture more complex graph structures and relationships between nodes.

Neighbor Aggregation Strategy

The neighbor aggregation strategy in GCN is implemented through graph convolution layers. The core of this strategy is the process of updating node features, involving aggregation of information from adjacent nodes. This process can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Normalization of the Adjacency Matrix: Initially, the adjacency matrix is normalized (e.g., using the inverse square root of the degree matrix) to ensure that the aggregation process is not adversely affected by nodes with a high degree (i.e., a large number of neighboring nodes).
  2. Feature Aggregation: For each node, its feature is updated by taking a weighted average of the features of its neighbors (including itself). The weights are typically determined by the normalized adjacency matrix and the learnable weight matrix within the graph convolution layer.
  3. Non-Linear Transformation: The aggregated new features undergo a non-linear transformation through an activation function, producing the final node representation.

This strategy allows GCN to update the representation of each node by considering local neighborhood information at every layer. As the number of layers increases, the model gradually captures wider context information of the nodes, thereby learning deeper graph structural features. Through this approach, GCN can perform complex tasks on various graph structured data, such as node classification and graph classification, demonstrating strong learning capabilities.

Applications of GCN

Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) have found wide applications across multiple domains and tasks, thanks to their robust capability in handling graph-structured data. Below is an overview of GCN applications in node classification, graph classification, and some practical examples.

Node Classification

Node classification is a core task in graph data analysis, aiming to predict the label of individual nodes within a graph. GCN can effectively perform node classification by learning deep feature representations of each node in the graph.

  • Application Scenarios: Classifying users in social networks, categorizing topics of articles in citation networks, and classifying protein functions are some examples. In these applications, GCN predicts the category of nodes based on their local network structure and features.
  • How It Works: GCN captures the contextual information of nodes through a neighbor aggregation strategy, combined with the node’s own features for classification. This method is particularly useful in scenarios with sparse label information, as it leverages the structural information of the network to aid classification.

Graph Classification

Graph classification aims to predict the category or properties of an entire graph, unlike node classification, which requires extracting global features that represent the whole graph.

  • Application Scenarios: Classifying chemical molecules and brain networks are examples. In these scenarios, each graph represents an instance, such as a molecule or a brain network, and the task is to classify the entire graph based on its structure and node features.
  • How It Works: GCN extracts node-level features through graph convolution on individual nodes and then aggregates these features using graph pooling techniques to form a global representation of the graph, which is then used for classification.

Practical Examples

  • Social Network Analysis: In social network analysis, GCN can be used to identify community structures, recommend friends or content, and predict user behavior. For example, by analyzing the interaction and connection patterns among users, GCN can predict individuals’ interests or social circles.
  • Bioinformatics: Applications of GCN in bioinformatics include protein structure prediction and gene expression data analysis. Researchers can predict the function of proteins based on protein interaction networks or analyze gene expression networks to identify disease markers with GCN.

These applications demonstrate the powerful capability of GCN in handling complex graph-structured data, whether at the level of individual nodes or the entire graph. By learning deep representations of graph data, GCN opens new pathways for a deeper understanding and analysis of graph data, providing effective tools for solving real-world problems.

Popular Frameworks for Implementing GCN

The research and application of Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have become increasingly popular with the advent of several efficient and user-friendly frameworks. These frameworks provide the necessary tools and APIs for building, training, and deploying GNN models, significantly simplifying the work for developers and researchers. Below, we introduce two very popular frameworks in the GNN domain: PyTorch Geometric (PyG) and Deep Graph Library (DGL).

PyTorch Geometric (PyG)

PyTorch Geometric is a library built on top of PyTorch, offering an easy-to-use API for graph neural networks. It supports a wide range of graph data processing methods and dozens of GNN models, making the entire process from data preprocessing to model building and training very straightforward.

  • Features: Efficient data processing and loading, rich implementations of GNN models, and the ability to customize models flexibly.
  • Applications: Node classification, graph classification, link prediction, etc.

Deep Graph Library (DGL)

DGL is an open-source Python library designed to simplify the development of graph neural networks. It provides efficient graph data structures and a rich API for building GNN models, supporting multiple deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and MXNet.

  • Features: Cross-framework support, efficient graph operations and data structures, and ease in implementing complex GNN architectures.
  • Applications: Similar to PyG, including but not limited to node classification, graph classification, and link prediction.

Simple Example: Building and Training GCN with PyTorch Geometric

Here is a simple example of building and training a basic GCN model for node classification using PyTorch Geometric:

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
# Load the Cora dataset
dataset = Planetoid(root='/tmp/Cora', name='Cora')
class GCN(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = GCNConv(dataset.num_node_features, 16)
self.conv2 = GCNConv(16, dataset.num_classes)
def forward(self, data):
x, edge_index = data.x, data.edge_index
x = self.conv1(x, edge_index)
x = F.relu(x)
x = F.dropout(x,
x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
model = GCN().to(device)
data = dataset[0].to(device)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, weight_decay=5e-4)
for epoch in range(200):
out = model(data)
loss = F.nll_loss(out[data.train_mask], data.y[data.train_mask])

This code snippet first defines a GCN model with two graph convolutional layers, then trains this model on the Cora dataset for node classification. Through this simple example, it’s clear that building and training GNN models using PyTorch Geometric is both direct and straightforward.

With these frameworks, researchers and developers can focus more on model design and experiments rather than the underlying data processing and model implementation details, thus accelerating research and application development in the GNN domain.


Through this article, we have explored in-depth the core principles, architecture, and how to utilize GCN for processing graph data across various applications. We also introduced how to implement GCN models using popular GNN frameworks such as PyTorch Geometric and Deep Graph Library. These insights provide readers with a solid foundation to better understand and leverage GCN for solving real-world problems.

Several crucial topics were not discussed in detail in this article, which are essential for a deeper understanding and expansion of graph neural network applications:

  • Graph Pooling: Graph pooling is a technique for reducing the dimensionality of graph data. It aggregates node features to decrease graph complexity while preserving essential structural information of the graph. Graph pooling is particularly important for tasks like graph classification and graph embedding, as they typically require a fixed-size representation of the graph.
  • Learning with Multiple Graphs: In practice, it is often necessary to deal with datasets containing multiple graphs. Multi-graph learning focuses on how to train GNNs on these datasets and how to use the relationships and differences between graphs to improve learning efficiency and model performance.

In the next article of our graph neural network series, we will explore other significant variants of GNNs, especially Graph Attention Networks (GAT). GAT introduces an attention mechanism, allowing the model to aggregate neighbor node information more flexibly, thus enhancing the model’s performance and generalization ability across various tasks. We will delve into the workings of GAT, compare the advantages and application scenarios of different GNN variants, and showcase their potential through practical application examples.

Through this series, we aim to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective to understand and apply graph neural networks in solving practical issues. Stay tuned for our in-depth exploration of other GNN variants in the next article.



Renda Zhang

A Software Developer with a passion for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.