A Journey into Linear Algebra: The Mysteries of Determinants

Renda Zhang
7 min readDec 17, 2023


In our journey through linear algebra, we have already delved into the mysteries of linear transformations, witnessing how they alter and shape our spatial understanding. From simple stretching and compressing to more complex rotations and shearing, linear transformations have shown us the boundless possibilities of mathematics in reshaping forms and spaces. Next, we embark on an exploration of another core concept: determinants. This concept is not only central in theoretical mathematics but also plays a vital role in practical applications.

Determinants hold an irreplaceable status in mathematics, being one of the cornerstones of linear algebra. They provide a way to quantify and understand the effects of linear transformations, especially in discussions about space transformations and solving systems of equations. Through determinants, we can determine whether a matrix is invertible and even predict whether a system of linear equations has a solution, and the nature of that solution.

In this article, we will start with the basic definition of determinants, gradually exploring their methods of calculation, understanding their geometric meanings, and ultimately exploring their roles in a wider application of linear algebra. Through this article, we hope to deepen your understanding of the concept of determinants and how they ingeniously connect with linear transformations and matrix theory.

After unraveling the mysteries of determinants, our linear algebra journey will continue to the next stop: “Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.” This topic will reveal another profound and interesting area of mathematics, key to understanding the dynamics of complex systems.

As this series unfolds, we hope to help you build a robust framework of knowledge in linear algebra, adding bricks to your mathematical journey.

Let us dive into the world of determinants together and appreciate their unique charm in linear algebra!

The Definition of Determinants

Basic Concept of Determinants

Before delving deeper into determinants, it’s essential to understand their basic definition. In its simplest form, a determinant is a scalar value associated with a square matrix, providing crucial information about the matrix, especially regarding the properties of linear transformations. In mathematics, for an n×n square matrix A, its determinant is denoted as det(A) or sometimes represented in a vertical bar format around the matrix.

Two-Dimensional Determinants

Let’s start with a simple example: a two-dimensional determinant. Suppose we have a 2×2 matrix:

A = [[a, b], [c, d]]

The determinant of this matrix is calculated using the formula:

det(A) = ad — bc

This formula actually represents the scaling factor of the area under the linear transformation represented by matrix A. Geometrically, it is equivalent to the area of the parallelogram formed by the vectors (a, c) and (b, d).

Three-Dimensional Determinants

Next, we extend our exploration to three-dimensional determinants. Consider a 3×3 matrix:

B = [[a, b, c], [d, e, f], [g, h, i]]

Here, the calculation of the determinant becomes slightly more complex and follows the formula:

det(B) = a*(ei — fh) — b*(di — fg) + c*(dh — eg)

This formula involves more multiplication and addition/subtraction operations, but it still provides a significant geometric interpretation of the matrix B’s linear transformation: the volume of the parallelepiped formed by its column (or row) vectors.

Through these examples, we see that determinants are more than just mathematical expressions. They serve as a bridge connecting linear algebra to geometric intuition, offering a powerful tool to understand and interpret how linear transformations affect space.

Calculating Determinants

Understanding how to calculate determinants is crucial for grasping the properties of matrices. While the calculation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional determinants is relatively straightforward, calculating higher-order determinants requires more complex methods. Let’s explore how to compute determinants of higher-order matrices.

Calculating Higher-Order Determinants

For matrices larger than 3×3, we need to use more advanced methods to calculate the determinant. One common method is the Laplace Expansion, which breaks down a determinant into a sum of determinants of smaller matrices. This typically involves selecting a row or column and expanding around it.

For example, consider a 4×4 matrix:

C = [[a, b, c, d], [e, f, g, h], [i, j, k, l], [m, n, o, p]]

If we choose to expand along the first row, the determinant of C, denoted as det(C), can be expressed as:

det(C) = a * M_a — b * M_b + c * M_c — d * M_d

Here, M_a, M_b, M_c, and M_d are the determinants of the 3×3 matrices that result from removing the first row and the corresponding column.

Example: Calculating a Four-Dimensional Determinant

Let’s calculate the determinant of the 4×4 matrix C mentioned above. First, we compute the determinants of the four 3×3 submatrices:

M_a = det([[f, g, h], [j, k, l], [n, o, p]]) M_b = det([[e, g, h], [i, k, l], [m, o, p]]) M_c = det([[e, f, h], [i, j, l], [m, n, p]]) M_d = det([[e, f, g], [i, j, k], [m, n, o]])

Then, we substitute these sub-determinants into the formula to get the determinant of the 4×4 matrix C.

The Importance of Determinants

The calculation of determinants is more than just a mathematical exercise. In practical applications, the value of a determinant helps us to determine whether a matrix is invertible (a non-zero determinant means the matrix is invertible) or whether a system of linear equations has a unique solution. Furthermore, determinants have widespread applications in physics and engineering, such as in analyzing stability issues and system dynamics.

The Geometric Interpretation of Determinants

Determinants are not just algebraic tools; they also have profound geometric significance, particularly in understanding the impact of linear transformations on space.

Transformations of Space and Volume

A key geometric interpretation of determinants is related to volume. In two dimensions, the determinant of a 2×2 matrix represents the area of the parallelogram formed by its column (or row) vectors. Similarly, in three dimensions, the determinant of a 3×3 matrix represents the volume of the parallelepiped formed by its column vectors. For higher dimensions, determinants similarly represent the “hyper-volume” formed by vectors in that dimensional space.

Geometric Impact of Linear Transformations

When a vector undergoes a linear transformation via a matrix, the determinant provides a quantitative description of how the volume changes during the transformation. If the determinant is positive, the transformation preserves the orientation (e.g., a right-handed coordinate system remains right-handed). If the determinant is negative, the transformation involves a flip in orientation (e.g., a right-handed system becomes left-handed). The absolute value of the determinant gives the factor by which volume scales. For instance, a determinant value of 2 means the transformed volume is twice the original volume.

Significance of the Determinant’s Sign and Orientation

The sign of the determinant also helps us understand the orientation of spatial structures. As mentioned, a positive value signifies that the orientation is preserved, while a negative value indicates a reversal in orientation. This is particularly important in physics, such as in studying mirror reflections or rotational transformations.

Visual Representation

To understand these concepts more intuitively, one can visualize the effects of different determinants through graphical representations. For example, an identity matrix (determinant of 1) represents an identity transformation, while a matrix with a negative determinant value represents some form of “flipped” transformation in space.

Through the geometric interpretation of determinants, we can more intuitively grasp how linear transformations warp and transform objects in space, adding a layer of tangible understanding to our study of linear algebra.

Applications of Determinants

Determinants are not just important in theoretical mathematics; they also play a pivotal role in solving practical problems. Their applications span a wide range, from solving systems of linear equations to determining matrix properties.

Solving Linear Systems of Equations

In solving systems of linear equations, determinants are an indispensable tool. Consider a system of equations represented by a matrix; the determinant of this matrix can indicate whether the system has a unique solution. If the determinant is non-zero, the system has a unique solution. This principle forms the basis of Cramer’s Rule, which provides a direct method for solving such systems.

Determining Matrix Invertibility

Determinants also help us ascertain whether a matrix is invertible. A matrix is invertible if its determinant is non-zero, signifying that an inverse matrix exists. The non-zero determinant indicates that the matrix can perform a “full-scale” transformation in space without losing any dimension.

Applications in Physics and Engineering

In physics and engineering, determinants are used to solve various problems. For instance, in physics, determinants are instrumental in understanding and calculating the evolution of quantum states, dealing with electromagnetic field problems, and more. In engineering, determinants are used in stability analysis of systems, control theory, and mechanical analyses in structural engineering.

Determinants as Geometric Tools

Lastly, as a geometric tool, determinants enable us to intuitively understand and depict spatial transformations. This geometric intuition is particularly important in design and visual arts, where it aids designers and artists in understanding and creating works with specific geometric properties.


In this exploration of determinants, a fundamental concept in linear algebra, we have delved deep into their definition, geometric interpretation, and practical applications. From the basic definition to applications in real-world scenarios, we have seen how determinants serve not only as a significant concept in mathematical theory but also as a bridge between theory and reality, and between algebra and geometry.

  1. Basic Definitions and Methods of Calculation: We have learned how determinants are defined and explored the straightforward methods of calculating two-dimensional and three-dimensional determinants. For higher-order determinants, we discussed the technique of Laplace Expansion for computation.
  2. Geometric Interpretation: Determinants extend beyond mere number play; they reveal the impact of linear transformations on areas and volumes, whether in two or three dimensions, or in even higher dimensional spaces.
  3. Wide-Ranging Applications: Determinants play a crucial role in solving linear systems of equations, determining the invertibility of matrices, and in various applications in physics and engineering. They form the foundation for understanding and applying linear algebra.

Studying determinants has not only deepened our understanding of linear algebra but has also equipped us with powerful tools to better explore and explain various phenomena in both natural and engineered systems.

As we continue our journey in linear algebra, our next article will shift focus to a new topic: “Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors”. This topic opens the door to understanding the dynamics of complex systems, a key element in modern science and mathematics.



Renda Zhang

A Software Developer with a passion for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.