A Journey into Linear Algebra: Exploring Vector Spaces and Subspaces

Renda Zhang
6 min readDec 17, 2023


In our ongoing exploration of linear algebra, we’ve previously delved into the mysterious world of matrices and systems of linear equations in the article “A Journey into Linear Algebra: Unraveling the Mysteries of Matrices and Linear Equation Systems.” These concepts not only opened the door to understanding modern mathematics and physics but also play a crucial role in practical applications. Today, we continue our journey to deepen our understanding of two more fundamental concepts in linear algebra: Vector Spaces and Subspaces.

Vector spaces and subspaces are cornerstones in the construction of linear algebraic theory. Far from being mere abstract mathematical notions, they play an indispensable role in various fields, ranging from the mechanical models in physics and signal processing in engineering to optimization problems in economics. Understanding vector spaces and subspaces equips us with fundamental tools for analyzing and solving these issues.

In this article, we will delve into a detailed exploration of the definitions, properties, and examples of vector spaces, as well as the concept of subspaces. Through our discussion, we aim to deepen your understanding of how linear algebra shapes the world around us.

Join us on this journey to unravel the intricacies of Vector Spaces and Subspaces, laying a solid foundation for the upcoming topic in our next article — Linear Transformations.

Vector Spaces

Definition and Concepts

Before we dive into vector spaces, let’s first clarify their definition. A vector space is essentially a collection of vectors that adhere to specific rules of addition and scalar multiplication. More formally, a vector space is a set V, where the addition of any two vectors and the multiplication of any vector with a scalar results in an output that still belongs to set V. Although this definition might sound abstract, we are already familiar with some examples of vector spaces, such as the sets of all vectors in two or three dimensions.

In the context of mathematics, vectors are not just arrows or geometric shapes. In fact, any object that satisfies the rules of vector space addition and scalar multiplication can be considered a vector. Thus, functions, polynomials, and even more abstract entities can be elements of a vector space.

Examples of Vector Spaces

  • Real Number Vector Spaces: The most common example is R^n, the set of all n-dimensional real number vectors. In R^n, the addition of two vectors and the multiplication of a vector with a real number are conducted element-wise.
  • Polynomial Spaces: The set of all real-coefficient polynomials with a degree not exceeding n is also a vector space. Polynomial addition and scalar multiplication in this space follow the usual rules of polynomial operations.
  • Function Spaces: The set of all continuous real-valued functions over a certain interval forms a vector space too. Here, the addition of functions is point-wise, and scalar multiplication is multiplication of function values.

Fundamental Properties of Vector Spaces

The definition of a vector space brings about a series of important properties, such as:

  1. Closure: The addition of any two vectors and the multiplication of any vector with any scalar within a vector space always results in a vector that remains within the space.
  2. Associativity: Both addition and scalar multiplication satisfy the associative property.
  3. Distributive Property: Vector addition and scalar multiplication adhere to the distributive property.
  4. Existence of a Zero Vector: Each vector space contains a special element known as the zero vector, which when added to any vector in the space, does not change that vector.
  5. Existence of Additive Inverses: Every vector in a vector space has an additive inverse, which when added to the original vector results in the zero vector.

These properties collectively form the fundamental framework of vector spaces, providing us with a powerful and flexible mathematical structure to solve a variety of practical problems. In the next section, we will turn our attention to subspaces, further exploring this rich and fascinating field of mathematics.


Definition of Subspaces

Subspaces are a vital concept within vector spaces, acting as a “mini-universe” within a larger vector space. Specifically, a subspace is a subset of a vector space that is itself a vector space. This means that the elements of a subspace, when subjected to vector addition and scalar multiplication, remain within the subspace. This definition highlights three critical properties of a subspace: closure, the presence of additive operations, and scalar multiplications.

Properties of Subspaces

  1. Closure: In a subspace, the sum of any two vectors and the product of any vector with any scalar must remain within the subspace.
  2. Presence of the Zero Vector: Every subspace includes the zero vector since it’s a requisite component of any vector space.
  3. Existence of Additive Inverses: Each vector in a subspace has an additive inverse, which, when added to the original vector, yields the zero vector.

These properties ensure the mathematical consistency and completeness of subspaces within the larger framework of vector spaces.

Examples of Subspaces

  • Solution Set of Linear Equations: The set of all solutions to a system of linear equations often forms a subspace of the original vector space. For instance, the solution set (if it exists) to a given set of linear equations constitutes a subspace within the original vector space.
  • Planes and Lines in Three-Dimensional Space: Any plane or line passing through the origin in three-dimensional space is a subspace. They are part of the three-dimensional space and satisfy all the properties of a subspace.

Through these examples, we can see how subspaces find their place within a larger vector space and understand how they form internal structures and patterns within the vector space.

Applications of Vector Spaces and Subspaces

Practical Application Scenarios

Vector spaces and subspaces are not just important in mathematical theory; they also find widespread applications across various fields. These applications range from mechanical models in physics to signal processing in engineering, and to optimization problems in economics.

  1. Physics: In physics, vector spaces are used to describe various physical quantities, such as force, velocity, and acceleration. By calculating within these vector spaces, physicists can simulate and predict the behaviors of natural phenomena.
  2. Engineering: In the fields of electrical engineering and signal processing, vector spaces are utilized to analyze and manipulate signals. For example, audio and video signals can be represented as sets of functions that are manipulated within appropriate vector spaces for filtering, compression, and other signal processing tasks.
  3. Computer Science: In computer graphics, vector spaces are used to represent and manipulate images and 3D models. Vectors and matrices enable computers to render complex scenes and animations efficiently and effectively.
  4. Economics: In economics, vector spaces are employed to analyze and model markets and economic systems. Various economic variables (like prices, output, consumption) can be viewed as vectors, and economists use these vectors to study market behaviors and trends.

Case Study

Consider a simple case study: analyzing social media trends using vector spaces. In this application, each social media post can be represented as a vector containing various features (like keywords, engagement, user interactions). Analyzing the patterns and relationships within this vector space can uncover trending topics, predict user behavior, and even identify potential market opportunities.

Through these examples, the pivotal role of vector spaces and subspaces in solving real-world problems becomes evident. They provide a powerful tool for analysis, interpretation, and prediction across a multitude of domains.


As we conclude this exploration of vector spaces and subspaces, we reflect on the profound impact these concepts have in the realm of linear algebra and beyond. We’ve seen how vector spaces provide a framework for numerous mathematical operations and how subspaces offer a deeper insight into the internal structure of these spaces. From theoretical foundations to practical applications, vector spaces and subspaces are integral to understanding and solving complex problems in various fields.

Through this article, we aimed not only to elucidate these concepts but also to demonstrate their relevance and applicability. Whether it’s in the elegant equations of physics, the intricate algorithms of engineering, or the dynamic models of economics, the principles of vector spaces and subspaces are constantly at play, shaping the solutions and innovations in these areas.

Preview of the Next Topic

Looking ahead, our journey through linear algebra will continue with an exploration of Linear Transformations. Linear transformations are fundamental in understanding how vector spaces are altered and manipulated. They play a critical role in both theoretical and practical aspects of linear algebra, from transforming geometric objects to altering data in machine learning algorithms. Our next article will delve into this topic, uncovering the transformative power of linear transformations in linear algebra.

Join us as we continue to unravel the mysteries and marvels of linear algebra, a journey that not only deepens our mathematical understanding but also enhances our ability to interpret and influence the world around us.



Renda Zhang

A Software Developer with a passion for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.