Renda ZhangExploring the Essence of Human Behavior: Processing, Computing, and Analyzing High-Dimensional DataHave you ever wondered how our daily actions are fundamentally driven by the processing, computing, and analyzing of high-dimensional data…Jun 24Jun 24
Renda ZhangA Moment Can Be Eternal, and Eternity Can Be Just a MomentSometimes, do you feel that everything is fine, your body is in good condition, yet deep inside, negative emotions such as sadness, anger…Jun 16Jun 16
Renda ZhangThe Mirror of Perception: Expectations, Fantasies, and Self-awareness in Romantic RelationshipsIn the complex emotional world of humans, romantic relationships are both fascinating and challenging. The behaviors and emotional…Apr 23Apr 23
Renda ZhangWhat If You Only Have a Compass and an Unmarked Ruler?Imagine yourself sitting at a table, in front of you are a few sheets of paper, a pen, an unmarked ruler, and a compass. You’re tasked with…Apr 101Apr 101
Renda ZhangFarewell to the Calculator: Performing Multiplication, Division, and Square Roots with Compass and…In ancient times, mathematicians were faced with a world devoid of electronic calculators, computers, and even simple abacuses. How did…Apr 9Apr 9
Renda ZhangPainting the Data Rainbow: The Magic of Dirichlet DistributionIn our digital age, we generate and consume an enormous amount of data daily. From likes and comments on social media to sales figures in…Mar 31Mar 31
Renda ZhangDecoding Eating Disorders: A Psychological Journey from Anorexia to Binge EatingIn today’s society, eating disorders have emerged as increasingly prevalent mental health issues. These disorders encompass more than just…Mar 30Mar 30
Renda ZhangHow Do You Think? Discover Your Thinking Style and Turn Weaknesses into Superpowers!Imagine you’re in a supermarket with a clear mission — grab a bottle of ketchup. But half an hour later, you find yourself in the wine…Mar 29Mar 29
Renda ZhangWeaving Through Time and Space: An Intuitive Exploration of Minkowski Space-Time and Lorentz…In our everyday lives, time seems to steadily march forward, while space — whether it’s the ground beneath our feet or the sky above us —…Mar 28Mar 28
Renda ZhangReal Estate Bubbles: Do You Truly Understand Them?When we talk about real estate bubbles, you might be reminded of those soap bubbles you blew as a child: colorful, floating effortlessly in…Mar 27Mar 27